Most of us have tried every fitness program under the sun by now, and wonder why we can’t achieve lasting results?
The good news is….it’s not our fault.
Our lack of understanding of how our bodies and minds actually work make it so 99% of us fail when trying to accomplish weight loss and health related goals.
What is the difference between training a body and training a human being from a holistic perspective?
So many of us have tried to improve our health by exercising and dieting. But those two things are only 2 of 6 main aspects of true deep health.
If we only got oil changes and filled our windshield wiper fluid, should we expect our cars to run perfectly forever? No way! We would need gas, new tires, breaks etc.
The problem is, no one told us about the other factors…or “pillars” of health.
Sleeping, hydrating, stress management & breathing are the other 4 factors that can not be ignored after 40. It is impossible to achieve and maintain health and fitness results while ignoring any of these factors.
Stress management is such an important factor in overall deep health.
External and internal stressors such as pathogens in the body, injuries, lack of sleep, gut dysfunction and emotional trauma or stress, when in excess, can disrupt our state of harmony or state of “ease” and create a breading ground for “DIS-ease”, pain and dysfunction.
While in this dysfunctional, overstressed state it is virtually impossible and completely unrealistic to expect the systems in our body to positively respond to a diet and some exercise, which themselves may be causing more stress to an already overstressed situation.